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Television, pen, and notebooks are outdated. In today’s world internet, stylus and tablets play a vital role. All the newspapers, magazines, books and journals of the world are available on the Internet. The possibilities an Internet are endless and even the news runs on it faster than any news channel. The Internet is advantageous as it runs on low cost, large volumes of information, high speed of access and good quality & huge quantity of entertainment. The 21st century has ushered into a new era of Information Technology and the Internet is the backbone of this modern era. This is the reason why over the past decade, the Information Technology (IT) industry has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. It has caught world attention. Its industries are running at a higher rate. Computer software development is like a powerhouse. It has grown from a small field to a trillion-dollar industry and has given employment to numerous people. Everybody loves technology ...